



Services : 

Our Product :
An innovative, vertical mooring utilization system, offering numerus yacht services such as procurement and repairs. We deliver sustainable development to marinas under our management and subsequently to all coastal surrounding areas.

None Profit OrGanization

We do not aim at the profitability of our members, as we follow the corporate scheme of CSE but we opt for a vertical increase of tourist intake in the marinas we manage, with subconsequent dispersion of new incoming wealth.


Social AwaREnEss

As a social cooperative enterprise of N. 4430, which is not aimed at high profitability but at redistributing profits to workers, we aim to increase jobs. We prioritize the human resources of every marina development area.


CEntered on Sustainability

Our methodology does not follow the trampled method of coastal areas development through horizontal pharaonic works (eg malls, casinos), but with absolute respect for the environment and the national tourism product.


Our Services

Since our marina projects they are not yet operational we offer also our services through our member companies wherever you request it.

  • Member Companies
  • Repairs and Yacht Maintenance
  • Cleaning Services

Interesting Reads, Company Blog, legislative articles and generally useful informative material. Blog
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